Make Your Own New Years Party
we don’t need to celebrate new years with a huge party, just celebrate it with your family or your friend. make a small party, some wine and champagne maybe or a crate of beer? and dance in a midle of the night with some music dvd? that could be a nice party and offcourse you wouldn’t spend much your money to do it.
lets prepare it, what do we need to celebrate a new year with family.
1. we need a clock so we knew the time (lol)
ofcourse we need it so we know when new year come….hahahaha…
2. food or snack
you dont want to starve in the new years eve don’t you..?so collect food or snack as much as you can
3. fireworks
what is the meaning new year without fire works?
4. music
play it loud and dance, don’t worry about neighbour, we dont do this every night right?
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